Radio Frequency Concepts and Techniques
This course is an overview of concepts and techniques used in the transmission of electromagnetic energy at radio and microwave frequencies. The course is intended for graduate students working in areas of microwave to millimeter-wave detectors and high speed electronics. The course begins with an overview electromagnetic theory covering the equivalence principle, the induction theorem, and reciprocity. Wave propagation with guided structures and antennae is discussed in detail. Additional topics in active and passive microwave devices, and communication concepts such as signal modulation and band limited white noise are also discussed
1. Electromagnetic Basics
- Maxwell Equations
- Sources
- Energy and Power
- Time and Frequency Domains
2. Electromagnetic Theorems
- Duality
- Uniqueness
- Image Theory
- Equivalence Principle
- Induction Theorem
- Reciprocity
- Physics Optics Approximation
3. Tranmission Lines
- Phasors
- Traveling Waves
- Characteristic Impedance
- Reflection Coefficient
- Standing Waves
- Impedance and Reflection
- Incident and Reflected
- Power
- Smith Charts
- Load Matching
- Single Stub Tuners
- dB and dBm
- Z and S parameters
- Lorentz Reciprocity
- Network Analysis
- Phase and Group Delay
4. Guided Waves I
- Rectangular Waveguides
- Cutoff
- TE Modes
- Phase and Group velocity
5. Guided Waves II
- TM Modes
- Alternative Mode Sets
- Cylindrical Waveguides
- Sources in a Waveguide
6. RF Cavities
- Modes
- RLC Model
- Coupling
- Quality Factor
- Bead Pulls
- Power Amplifiers
7. Communication Concepts I
- Periodic Signals
- Fourier Transforms
- Power Spectral Density
- AM Modulation
- FM Modulation
8. Communication Concepts II
- Laplace Transforms
- Bandwidth
- Feedback
- Phase Lock Loops
- Pole-Zero Plots
9. Circular Accelerator Beam Signals
- Single Bunch in a Circular Ring
- M Equally Spaced Bunches in a Ring
- A Burst of Bunches in a Ring
- Betatron Motion
- Longitudinal Motion
- Multipole Distributions
10. Noise
- Thermal Noise
- Amplifier Noise
- Noise Figure and Temperature
- System Noise
11. Non-linearity in Amplifiers
- Non-linearity
- 1 dB compression Point
- Third Order Intercept
12. Antenna Theory I
- Green’s functions
- Near and Far Fields
- Extended Sources
13. Antenna Theory II
- Line Sources
- Radiation Intensity
- Directivity
- Antenna Patterns
- Reciprocity
- Maximum Effective Aperture
14. Antenna Theory III
- Antenna Impedance
- Moment Methods